Research Team Brazil
Pedro is a biologist. In 2014 he got his PhD in Social-Environmental Sciences at NAEA – Federal University of Pará, on a study of conflicts between protected areas and small-scale gold mining in the Tapajós region in the Brazilian Amazon. He teaches at the Federal Institute of Pará (IFPA, Brasil).
Jacopo Seccatore

Jacopo Seccatore is mining engineer, working for the Centre for Responsible Mining (NAP-Mining) at the University of São Paulo (USP).
Giorgio de Tomi

Giorgio de Tomi is mining engineer, working for the Centre for Responsible Mining (NAP-Mining) at the University of São Paulo (USP).
Madiana Almeida

Madiana Rodrigues is anthropologist and works for the Federal University of Roraima in Brazil. Madiana is doing research on small-scale gold mining in the border area of Brazil and Guyana.
Francilene Rodrigues

Francilene Rodrigues is researcher at the Federal University of Roraima in Brazil.
Research Team Bolivia
Research Team Colombia
Alexandra Uran Carmona is a professor at the Anthropology Department of the Universidad de Antioquia in Medellín, Colombia. She holds degrees in Mining Engineering, Anthropology and Environmental Anthropology and a PhD in Sociology and Social Sciences in Germany, at Kassel Universität.
Research Team Peru
Mourik Bueno de Mesquita is an agricultural engineer with over 30 years of working experience in the Peruvian Andes in topics such as integrated water resources management, soil & water conservation, watershed management, rural development, postgraduate education, training courses, action-research, community development, participative project implementation and international consultancy practices. He coordinates the GOMIAM activities in Peru and Bolivia.
Research Team Guianas
Laurens Gomes (Suriname)

Laurens Gomes works for WWF Guianas, Consortium partner of GOMIAM.
Celine Duijves is anthropologist, working in the fields of mining, community development and education. She worked on a study of child labor in gold mining and a study of access to HIV Services for mobile and migrant populations in gold mining areas. Duijves has worked as researcher for GOMIAM in Suriname until the beginning of 2015.
Marieke Heemskerk is an anthropologist (PhD, Univ. of Gainesville, USA) with a special interest in small-scale mining. She has conducted research in Surinamese gold mining areas since 1996 and has been involved in research and development projects in small-scale mines in various African and Latin American countries. For GOMIAM, Heemskerk worked as researcher in Suriname until the beginning of 2015.
Sabine Luning (PhD) is Cultural Anthropologist and lecturer at Leiden University. Her current research focuses on economic anthropology, in particular the booming business of gold mining in West Africa. For GOMIAM, Sabine Luning carries out research on artisanal mining and trade along the frontier of Suriname and French Guiana
Secretariat – Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Marjo de Theije has a PhD in anthropology and many years of experience as a researcher, mostly in Brazil and Suriname. She did extensive fieldwork on small scale gold mining in Suriname and Brazil and made many short trips to mining areas in other countries.
Leontien Cremers studied Irrigation and Water Engineering at Wageningen University (Ir. 2003) and graduated in the post-initial Master study program Latin American Studies at CEDLA in 2009. She worked as a project coordinator for the GOMIAM project, especially the countries Colombia, Peru and Bolivia.