In most Amazonian countries, policies are inadequate and unable to deal with all aspects of small-scale mining. National mining laws sometimes have no specific chapters for the small -scale mine operators. Or if there are laws in place, national authorities fail to implement them.
As a consequence of inadequate policies, small-scale gold miners often work without official licenses. Many migrant miners gain permission to mine through informal agreements with local communities. But these informal agreements can be overruled by national legislation anytime. This causes insecurity and unrest, and often leads to conflicts.
National governments of Suriname, Peru, Colombia, Brazil and Bolivia, all encounter difficulties regulating small-scale gold mining activities within their borders. Under the country information, you can find specific information about the existing legal frameworks and the way they are put into practice.
GOMIAM expertise: In-depth local research in various Amazon countries has led GOMIAM to formulate policy briefs that present research outcomes and propose policy solutions. These policy solutions take into account the social reality of the local people.
Read more:
Alliance of Responsible Mining – Guide to legalize small-scale and artisanal miners.