GOMIAM’s specific expertise on social conflict in small-scale gold mining is based on academic fieldwork throughout the entire Amazon. GOMIAM has a multidisciplinary team, consisting of social scientists as well as geologists and engineers. GOMIAM’s publications vary from academic to journalistic, and grasp various subjects and case studies.

The first phase of the GOMIAM project, from 2011 to 2013, has been dedicated to a comparative analysis of socio-political and environmental conflicts related to small-scale gold mining in the Amazon. Our research acknowledges the economic motivations and cultural dimensions of the people involved in these conflicts.

In the second phase (from 2013 to 2016), we were more focused on sharing and exchanging our knowledge, to create a knowledge network and to share our policy briefs. GOMIAM also has a database of small-scale gold mining related articles. If you are interested in accessing our database, please contact us about the possibilities.


Baía Júnior, P. (2014). Entre ouro e a biodiversidade. Garimpos e Unidades de Conservação na região de Itaituba, Pará, Brasil. Phd Thesis/ Tese de doutorado.

Cano López, W. (2014). Ríos en disputa: conflictos mineros en Chocó durante el siglo xx. In: Cultural, ecología humana y ciudadanías. Gutiérrez, A. & Toro, G. (eds.), pp. 56-76. Medellín: Universidad de Antioquia.

Cremers, L. and J. Kolen (2014) ‘Hiphop met een Goudpan. Reflecties op kleinschalige goudwinning in Colombia, bezongen door ChocQuibTown’, in: Latijns Amerika in beeld Visies op een bewogen region, Marc Simon Thomas (red.) Cuadernos del CEDLA, No. 29, Amsterdam.

Heemskerk, M. & Duijves, C. (2014). Gold miners’ knowledge, attitudes & practices with regard to mercury. A study in four small-scale gold mining areas in Suriname.

Luning, Sabine & Marjo de Theije (2014). Global Gold Connections: Ethical Consumption and the Beauty of Bonding Artisans. In: Green Consumption. The Global Rise of Eco-Chic. Barendregt, B. & Jaffe, R. (eds.). pp. 56-72. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, London.

Rivera Sotelo, A. S. and A. Pardo ‘¿Qué minería aurífera, por quiénes y con fines de qué desarrollo? Una mirada a la minería aurífera en la Zona Minera Indígena Remanso Chorrobocón’, Opera (14): 95-117.

Theije, Marjo de, Judith Kolen, Marieke Heemskerk, Celine Duijves, Mariana Sarmiento, Alexandra Urán, Ingrid Lozada, Helcías Ayala, Jorge Perea & Armin Mathis (2014). Engaging Legal Systems in Small-Scale Gold Mining Conflicts in Three South American Countries. In: Conflicts over Natural Resources in the Global South. Conceptual approaches. Bavinck, M., Pellegrini, L & Mostert, E. (eds.), pp. 129-146. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, London.

Theije, Marjo de (2014) Small-scale Gold Mining and Trans-frontier Commerce on the Lawa River. in: In and out of Suriname: Language, Mobility and Identity, by Carlin et al (eds). Brill, Leiden The Netherlands

Urán, A. (2014). Formas de organización y regulación de la minería de oro en Colombia. In: Cultural, ecología humana y ciudadanías. Gutiérrez, A. & Toro, G. (eds.), pp. 32-55. Medellín: Universidad de Antioquia.


Carrillo, Felix,  Ton Salman & Carola Soruco (2013). Small scale mining cooperatives in Bolivia: From lifeguard of the poor to machinery of political manipulation. Letras Verdes, Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Socioambientales, 14, pp. 233-254.

Carrillo, Felix, 20-09-2013. Cooperativa Minera Aurífera “Asobal – Madre de Dios” Ltda., ejemplo práctico de aplicación de un Sistema de Gestión Ambiental. LA PATRIA, Perspectiva Minera.

Cremers, L., J. Kolen and M. de Theije (eds.). Small-scale gold mining in the Amazon. The cases of Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Peru and Suriname. Cuadernos del CEDLA 26. CEDLA, Amsterdam 

Cremers, L. & Theije, M. de (2013). Small-Scale Gold Mining in the Amazon. In: Cremers, L., Kolen, J. & Theije, M. de (eds). Small-scale gold mining in the Amazon. The cases of Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Peru and Suriname, pp. 1-16

Damonte, G. et al. Small-Scale Gold Mining and Social and Environmental Conflict in the Peruvian Amazon. In: Cremers, L., Kolen, J. & Theije, M. de (eds). Small-scale gold mining in the Amazon. The cases of Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Peru and Suriname, pp. 68-84.

Damonte, Gerardo (2013). Formalizing the unknown. The stalemate over formalizing small-scale mining in Madre de Dios. The Broker Online.

Heemskerk, M. & Duijves, C. (2013). Small-scale gold mining and conflict in Suriname. In: Cremers, L., Kolen, J. & Theije, M. de (eds). Small-scale gold mining in the Amazon. The cases of Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Peru and Suriname, pp. 85-101.

Kolen, J., Theije, M. de & Mathis, A. (2013). Formalized small-scale gold mining in the Brazilian Amazon: An activity surrounded by informality. In: Cremers, L., Kolen, J. & Theije, M. de (eds). Small-scale gold mining in the Amazon. The cases of Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Peru and Suriname, pp. 31-45.

Pachas, Victor Hugo (2013). Conflictos sociales en Madre de Dios: El caso de la minería en pequeña escala de oro y la ilegalidad. USAID Report 1.

Pachas, Victor Hugo (2013). Conflictos sociales en Madre de Dios: El caso de la minería en pequeña escala de oro y la ilegalidad. USAID Report 2.

Pachas, Victor Hugo (2013). Conflictos sociales en Madre de Dios: El caso de la minería en pequeña escala de oro y la ilegalidad. USAID Report 3.

Salman, T., Carillo, F. & Soruco, C. (2013. Cooperative organization and balsa mining in Bolivia. In: Cremers, L., Kolen, J. & Theije, M. de (eds). Small-scale gold mining in the Amazon. The cases of Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Peru and Suriname, pp. 17-30.

Sarmiento, M. et al. (2013). Characteristics and challenges of small-scale gold mining in Colombia. In: Cremers, L., Kolen, J. & Theije, M. de (eds). Small-scale gold mining in the Amazon. The cases of Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Peru and Suriname, pp. 46-67.

Sarmiento, M. et al. (2013). Legitimacy and Innovation in Mining: the case of the Oro Verde Program. Letras Verdes, Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Socioambientales, 14, pp. 284-303.

Soto, Ana Christina (2013). El Campo de la Mineria Aurífera en Colombia: Conflictos y Estrategias. La Pequeña Mineria y la Minería Artesanal frente al Proyecto Minero Nacional.

Tedesco, Leticia (2013). No Trecho dos Garimpos: Mobilidade, Gênero e Modos de Viver na Garimpagem de Ouro Amazônica. Phd Thesis/ Tese de doutorado, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Porto Alegre.

Urán, Alexandra (ed), (2013). Problemas Ambientales y Conflictos Socio-Políticos de la Minería de Oro a Menor Escala (Chocó-Colombia). Universidad de Antioquia.

Urán, Alexandra (2013). The legalization of small scale mining in Colombia. Letras Verdes, Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Socioambientales, 14, pp. 255-283.

Urán, Alexandra & Soto, Ana Christina (2013). El Enscenario de la Minería Aurífera como Campo de Luchas, Estrategias Antagónicas de Reproducción. Anuari del Conflicte Social 2013, pp. 857-889.


Massink, Gaya (2011). Kleinschalige goudwinning als waarborging van de etnische identiteit van Afro-Colombianen in Chocó. Bachelor Thesis Sociale en Culturele Antropologie en Ontwikkelingssociologie. Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit.

Miloslavich, Paola Moschella (2011). Impactos ambientales de la minería aurífera y percepción local en la microcuencia huacamayo, Madre de Dios. Tesis para optar el título de Licenciada en Geografía y Medio Ambiente. Lima: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru.

Pachas, Víctor Hugo (2011). Historia de una Incertidumbre. Hábitat, conflicto y poder en la Míneria Artesanal de Oro de Perú. Lima.

Smet, Eline de (2011). “I spent marvellous!” Brazilian gold miners and religious beliefs in their quest for gold. Master Thesis Social and Cultural Anthropology. Amsterdam: VU University.

Theije, Marjo de & Marieke Heemskerk (2011). Groot en Klein Goud in Suriname. De informalisering en ordening van de goudwinning. Justitiële verkenningen 37(3): 45-58.

GOMIAM Factsheet – Small scale gold mining in Suriname
GOMIAM Factsheet Case Study – Suriname: Brownsweg, district Brokopondo
GOMIAM Factsheet – Small scale gold mining in Peru
GOMIAM Factsheet Case Study – Peru: Madre de Dios
GOMIAM Factsheet – Small scale gold mining in Colombia
GOMIAM Factsheet Case Study – Colombia: Oro Verde program in the municipalities of Condoto and Tadó, Chocó
GOMIAM Factsheet – Small scale goldmining in Bolivia
GOMIAM Factsheet Case Study – River stretch between Sena and Riberalta, departments of Beni and Pando, Norte Amazónico