GOMIAM’s specific expertise on social conflict in small-scale gold mining is based on academic fieldwork throughout the entire Amazon. GOMIAM has a multidisciplinary team, consisting of social scientists as well as geologists and engineers. GOMIAM’s publications vary from academic to journalistic, and grasp various subjects and case studies.
The first phase of the GOMIAM project, from 2011 to 2013, has been dedicated to a comparative analysis of socio-political and environmental conflicts related to small-scale gold mining in the Amazon. Our research acknowledges the economic motivations and cultural dimensions of the people involved in these conflicts.
In the second phase (from 2013 to 2016), we were more focused on sharing and exchanging our knowledge, to create a knowledge network and to share our policy briefs. GOMIAM also has a database of small-scale gold mining related articles. If you are interested in accessing our database, please contact us about the possibilities.
Urán, Alexandra (ed), (2013). Problemas Ambientales y Conflictos Socio-Políticos de la Minería de Oro a Menor Escala (Chocó-Colombia). Universidad de Antioquia.
Sarmiento, M. et al (2012). Pequeña minería en el Chocó. Razon Publica, 23-04-2012.
Smet, E. de, Tedesco, L., & Theije, M. de (2012). Viver nas currutelas pan-amazônicas: consumo conspícuo e religião em garimpos transnacionais. In: Oro, A., Steil, C. & Rickli, J. (ed.), Transnacionalização Religiosa. Terceiro Nome
Infographic AMICHOCÓ & GOMIAM, 2012. “Pequeña Minería de Oro en Chocó, Colombia”.
GOMIAM Factsheet – Small scale gold mining in Suriname
GOMIAM Factsheet Case Study – Suriname: Brownsweg, district Brokopondo
GOMIAM Factsheet – Small scale gold mining in Peru
GOMIAM Factsheet Case Study – Peru: Madre de Dios
GOMIAM Factsheet – Small scale gold mining in Colombia
GOMIAM Factsheet Case Study – Colombia: Oro Verde program in the municipalities of Condoto and Tadó, Chocó
GOMIAM Factsheet – Small scale goldmining in Bolivia
GOMIAM Factsheet Case Study – River stretch between Sena and Riberalta, departments of Beni and Pando, Norte Amazónico
PhD Theses
During the project, several PhD theses were supervised and delivered:
Master theses
During the project a number of university students were supervised by GOMIAM project members and delivered a (master) thesis on a subject related to small-scale gold mining: